Sexual assault and abuse affects people from all genders, ages and sexual identities

An estimated half a million adults living in the UK are sexually assaulted each year.

1 in 20 people will have experienced childhood sexual abuse.

The impact of sexual assault and sexual abuse can have pronounced physical, emotional and psychological health consequences for individuals, both in the immediate aftermath and long term. 

Sexual assault and abuse happen to many people. Despite this, the majority of victims and survivors do not disclose or report their experiences due to a fear of judgement or disbelief.

Sexual assault and abuse taken many forms of unwanted acts including:

  • sexual harassment
  • rape
  • forced marriage
  • honour-based violence
  • female genital mutilation
  • human trafficking
  • sexual exploitation
  • ritual abuse

We offer a comprehensive range of services for people who have experenced recent and historic sexual assault and abuse

Our skilled, specialist clinical and support staff offer confidential, sensitive, non-judgmental support, advice, care and referral. Services include:

  • Tailored assessment, care and management for those who have been recently sexually assaulted
  • Full STI and HIV testing
  • Provision of PrEP, hepatitis vaccine and emergency contraception
  • Psychological support and intervention
  • Referral pathways into local Haven services for specialist health and police staff
  • Onward referral to safeguarding and victim support services

We provide nationally recognised, award winning specialist services delivered in partnership with charity partners:

  • My Body Back - a dedicated cervical and STI screening service for survivors of sexual violence
  • Clinic26 - a specialist sexual health project for male survivors of rape and sexual abuse

Sexual assault referral centres (SARCs) are available for everyone

SARCs offer a range of services, including crisis care, medical and forensic examinations, emergency contraception and testing for STIs.

They can also arrange access to an independent sexual assault advisor, as well as referrals to mental health support and sexual violence support services.

Find your nearest centre